Addison Carroll had never planned for her son, Hudson, to be born prematurely. Her pregnancy was going well, and then she developed preeclampsia at 32 weeks.
“I knew I was going to need to be induced a few weeks earlier than my due date because of the seriousness of my condition,” she said.
But then – plans changed. At her doctor’s appointment, she was told that they would need to induce her earlier than planned. This terrified her.
“During that whole trip I was nervous yet so excited that I would be meeting my son so soon,” Addison said. “I was worried about having him early, and being induced was never a part of my birthing plan until late in my pregnancy.”
A NICU stay was also not part of the plan. This is when RMHC Michiana stepped in to help.
“I was very blessed to be able to use [RMHC Michiana’s] services,” Addison said. “Having a hot meal for lunch and dinner every day during our stay was the biggest blessing I could have ever received.”
Supporting NICU Moms
All mothers want to focus on their child’s wellbeing. This becomes paramount when you have a child in the NICU. RMHC Michiana provides all services at no cost, so that moms can focus on being there for their child when they need it most.
“It was hard for me to leave my son’s side much less worry about how I would afford meals and where I would go for them,” Addison said. “I didn’t have a job when I had my son so not having to worry about how I would afford to eat while having a baby in the NICU was such a blessing. The staff is amazing and so friendly. Whether it be a simple conversation at the check in desk, or them sitting down and having lunch with me, those things are what I remember and cherish most about this organization. I always felt welcomed.”
How You Can Help Support
Hudson has now been in and out of the NICU/PICU multiple times. Each time, RMHC Michiana has been there to support Addison with anything she needs.
“Being able to go to the RMHC House to eat and talk to people has been a crucial part to my sanity while having a sick child,” she said. “Their smiles and empathy towards me made all of the stays in the hospital more bearable.”
You can support RMHC Michiana moms in one of two ways this Mother’s Day.
- If you would like to donate financially, visit the RMHC Michiana Mother’s Day giving page to get started.
- RMHC Michiana is always in need of volunteer support, and you can get involved by visiting our volunteer form. You can sign up for a regular shift or help by providing meals for the families we serve.