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Keeping Families Close®

Imagine having a child in the hospital who is seriously ill or critically injured – not overnight, but for weeks or even months. Worried and uncertain, you never want to leave his or her side yet you’re longing to close your eyes, if only for a minute. Comfort of any kind is a blessing in these moments. Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Michiana provides a soft bed, a hot meal, a quiet place to gather your thoughts and more – but still only steps away from your child. RMHC Michiana offers this comfort to every family that comes through our doors – all at no cost to the families we serve.

Family Nights Provided (2024)
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Meals Served (2024)
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3rd Floor Visits for Day Services (2024)
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“When your child is in the hospital, the last thing you want to do is leave their bedside.”

Our families count on your generosity

We have provided a home-away-from-home for thousands of families with sick or injured children since our opening in 2002. Your support of our mission ensures that no family ever has to pay to use our services. Simply put, we rely solely on the generosity of our community – people just like you who want to make a difference. Your continuing support truly is our lifeblood.

Caring: It’s a community Affair

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